Oh Eclipse.. how I love you and how I loath thee.
On linux, I probably think that eclipse is one of the most versetile IDE environments I've ever used. Pick your language and it probably supports it. Java, pyhon, c++, cobol as well apparently for those wanting to dust off their mainframe leet skills.
The main problem I've had with eclipse for ages has been their plugin support. Yes, they have tons of plugins and most of them work wonderfully. I start out with the bare eclipse, then I have a need for a python environment.. so I install the plugin, then I need a c++ environment so I install that plugin.
Then I realize that I have so much clutter in my IDE that I can't find anything. I also think that if I'm working on a c++ project, I most likely don't want, care or need the python support in my IDE. Its only purpose is to suck even more of my precious RAM.
I hate having so much clutter.. so I usually end up with 3-4 installs of eclipse which is really silly.
Here's my attempt at fixing this. (yes, this is super nerdy but it mostly works).
cd $HOME/local; mkdir eclipse
extract the latest eclipse into that directory, and add your standard language
neutral customization.
I like using the viPlugin or eclimd and the colorthemeplugin.
Standard install, so extract your eclipse, setup your plugins.. then go to your eclipse install directory (I usually install in $HOME for my own sanity if nothing else)
cd eclipse; git init; git add *
Also include any dot files in the eclipse directory.
git commit -a -m "initial install"; git tag bare
now, let's setup our java environment.
git checkout master -b java
Get your favorite java plugins. Maven? GUI Builder? whatever you like using.
Add everything that's been added to the repo.
git commit -a -m "Adding java stuff"
Now, let's do the python environment.
git checkout master -b python
Install the python plugin and any tools.
Once this is all setup... you checkout the branch you want to work on different versions of eclipse that are slimmed down.
You can checkout the bare install at anytime (git checkout bare -b newFork).
In theory it saves you some space, and lets you get somewhat of a handle on your environment.
Well.. that or its a completely random crazy idea that makes no sense to anyone but me.... but sharing anyways.
Thoughts? Comments?
Also, if anyone knows of a way to unload plugins without uninstalling them completely, please let me know.