So.. Random thought spurred on by a conversation on IRC.
Given that so much information is online and google particularly. Half the responses to most problems, particularly technical ones tend to be to "google" this. Yes, we've turned a company into a commonly used verb in the english language.
Give the amount of market data they have about any one individual, particularly one that uses a good bit if not all of their services; it would be feasible for them to develop fairly elaborate psych profiles. Based on your web history, your entire email history for the past few years, pictures, webchat logs, friend circles (gchat). It would not be inconceivable that patterns of behavior can be extrapolate that would predict certain actions that an individual has yet to take.
Now, I'm not using any particular definition ....but you have a non-corporal entity (a network of cables, hard drives, and switches of information that mostly live in the cloud). That has the ability to look into the future, and predict world events based on its data pool, If so desired, could easily manipulate the direction of world economics and politics if it had any interest to do so. A simple omission of a particular topic could help mitigate a problem, or lead the sheep to a new direction which favors a particular party. (The Chinese version of google proving that google has the ability to filter/prevent certain content from being exposed to a particular subnet/racial/local group).
So, let's re-cap.
We have a
1. Entity that sees into the future.
2. Capable of manipulating world events to shape the course of human history.
For the sake of coming to a conclusion and to not having rant about this, I've chosen the definition of a Greek god.
per: a deity is defined as:
"any supernatural being worshiped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force"
computers, clusters, and cloud computer are supernatural enough that by ancient greek standards they definitely fit the definition. Even by modern standards, I believe that some of the magic that goes on at google's HQ is close enough to magic to count as super natural. In an even more simpler terms. the norm being the natural, Google exceeding expectations makes it above the norm, ergo, supernatural.
worshiped: A company that like apple has developed enough fan boys that a google product is making people water at the mouth like Pavlov's dogs. To the point where an early invitation on a google service is starting to sell on ebay for a high premium, when the final product will be free.
Arguably, as presented above.. it could control the entirety of the world, which is personified as a force to be reckoned with.
We have a religious symbol:
And in all honesty, would something that can cause a respected business man, head of the largest multi-billion dollar corporation to act like this: be anything but divine retribution?
I therefore argue that based on all stated facts above, that Google is indeed a deity and should apply for a tax cut and qualify as a church. I had a friend who used to pray to Sun Micro-systems, I don't see any reason why google should be excluded.
FYI. This was a complete and total ran of bull shit...which hopefully hasn't hurt your delicate sensibilities before coming this line. Take it all in good humor. :)
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