so project 2.. which is the more sensible idea. AutomatedAgileDents (initial wiki drafts).
Let's consider this in part parts.
Part 1. Input source: Lets say and twitter initially. has more practical applications since it can be hosted internally. (and is actually usable for itch I want to fix).
Initially I was thinking of just a time management plugin/tool. Given a user's public feed, in a specific format say: Project: Task : Comment which would account for the user's current task being worked on. Or alternatively we could use the !group tag. Though establishing hierarchy would be difficult.
And a given a time period for example.... 1 day, 1 week, etc... fetch all the the tweets and format them appropriately.
Part 1 problems: Ideally, I'd like to find something I can use where the user can write a simple template file that the core program would use to establish the parsing rules it will use when reading tweets.
Part 2: is the core program, takes in all the tweets, strips out what's not needed, and formats in the appropriate format.
Initial API that is more fitting to our needs?
Part 3: is the transport.... for my case i'd like the tweets matching the my user's info... for the time period .. maybe provided in my own in house API
Web Service Transport:
You could in theory have multiple transports.. so I can register a web service API that receives my message... and pushes it to the appropriate host, translating it to JSON, XML, or whatever format is needed. (example.. Tweet I need to see the doc on Sunday, push a web service request to your dentist requesting an appointment)
Wiki Transport:
Format content according to <insert markup language> and publish to wiki.. or email to listserv.
Take the text, format it in... <choose format> and push to site.
Notes: Do we want to have a pre-processing ? Format my messages as MarkUp? LaTex? HTML?
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